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/ PC-SIG: World of Education / PC-SiG's World of Education.iso / run / 0477

Jump To: Text (11)  |  Other (13)

Text (11)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
brek2.txt Text File 22 2KB 1985-08-02
brekdown.doc Text File 150 9KB 1985-02-06
brekdown.pas Pascal/Delphi Source File 798 32KB 1985-12-18
brekdown.xmp Text File 146 6KB 1985-02-06
files477.txt Text File 44 2KB 1986-09-29
foneword.doc Text File 26 2KB 1986-05-28
go.bat DOS Batch File 23 2KB 1986-09-29
readthis.1st Text File 36 1KB 1986-07-23
reagan.out Text File 299 18KB 1985-08-03
romeo.o5t Text File 139 4KB 1986-05-14
romeo.o8t Text File 102 4KB 1986-05-14

Other Files (13)
brekdown.com MS-DOS COM Executable 34KB 1986-05-19
foneword.com MS-DOS COM Executable 19KB 1986-05-28
namesmal.com MS-DOS COM Executable 28KB 1986-05-28
readname.com MS-DOS COM Executable 45KB 1986-05-28
wordfone.com MS-DOS COM Executable 12KB 1986-05-25
circus.com Unknown 45KB 1986-07-21
inventn4.com Unknown 4KB 1984-11-29
mashed.02 Unknown 128b 1985-12-22
mashed.03 Unknown 1KB 1985-11-23
mashed.04 Unknown 5KB 1985-04-23
mashed.05 Unknown 14KB 1985-04-24
mashed.06 Unknown 27KB 1985-04-28
wildwest.com Unknown 24KB 1986-05-06